Fabienne Verdier is a French painter who studied caligraphy and traditional ink painting in China for more than 10 years at a time when it was mostly closed to outsiders. Have a look at her website, it is dense with inspirational information such as paintings and quotes from painters and thinkers from different traditions. It takes a while to click everywhere and on every little "+" but it is worth it as a whole landscape unfolds for us (click here).

Pour ceux qui parlent français, son livre Passagère du silence (Livre de poche), raconte son parcours, ses longues années d'études et les étapes qui l'ont menée à sa production actuelle. C'est un livre fascinant qui nous dépeint la Chine et le long apprentissage de techniques traditionnelles mais principalement la dévotion et la force de caractère d'une femme exeptionelle.
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