Tom Hopkins and me (back in my skinny days)
at the opening of my show La Vie immédiate in 2000
When I was studying with Tom at Concordia, 18 years ago, he brought me a cartoon he had found in a newspaper, showing a grungy artist asking his accountant if drug could be considered artist's material.
I don't know about that, but right now I definitely feel like I could use something…
That was Tom, always sharing jokes with everybody. Even recently he sent me a youtube link towards a stand up comedian talking about French people… (link)
It is a cliché when someone passes away to talk about their generosity, but in Tom's case, it would be a crime not to mention it over and over again.
I was Tom's student, then his assistant for many years and his studio neighbour for more then 10 years. I can say that working for him I have learned more about being a painter than throughout my whole art education. That was Tom, the most generous person I have known with his knowledge, his advices, his time. When I was working for him, stretching canvases and so on, I joked with him that he didn't need a studio assistant, he needed a secretary to take care of his phone calls.
When our studios were door to door, we had each other's key. We used each other's tools, which means mostly that I was using his tools, and I would come over to drink his coffee and eat his famous studio stew. Tom's door was literally always open for me but it was the same with all the artists and all the students who needed advices. It is true for me and I know it is true for many of us: I would not be the painter that I am if it was not for Tom.
Tom's death is a tragedy for all of us. We lost someone important, but my thoughts go out to you Joan, Anna and Jacob.

Tom Hopkins at the Molinari Foundation, Photo by Fabian Jean
The only comfort that we can share is to know that through his actions, Tom is definitely an important part of us. It is now up to us to keep his vision alive, to share our knowledge, to help each other in this difficult career that is ours and to keep sharing the jokes that make the hard times bearable.
Thank you Tom.
It was a true honour for me to share this obituary at Tom's funeral yesterday.
Alexandre, I'm so sorry to hear about Tom's passing. He sounds like a wonderful teacher and friend. I looked at his website and his work was just beautiful. You are fortunate to have known him.
Thank you Nancy for your kind words. I agree, I am fortunate to have known him.
Alexandre, thank you for sharing this online. Many of us who could not be in Montreal last Saturday were there in spirit. Your photographs and memories of Tom meant a great deal to us. He will be greatly missed by many. My husband Alex,our children and I, have some special memories of Tom when he visited with us in Nova Scotia over the years. Our thoughts are with you and his family at this time. Sharon Gregg Gunn
Hi alexandre, i didn't get a chance to say hi but it's Leah , Jacobs sister , toms step daughter , i really appreciated seeing your blog post and also that you posted some of the eulogy that you gave at the funeral. It was a huge loss for us , as you know and i really wanted to let you know you can contact jacob anytime you miss some of that hopkins spirit , i'm sure you know that but just a reminder that you are always welcome and will always hold a place in toms heart. I am sure he would feel the same way if he saw your bog post. SIncerely, Leah Russell
Alex, je suis toujours en grande peine de cette nouvelle. Je pense à toi souvent.
elaine (eravintagewear@videotron.ca)
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